Game Overview & Strategy
Game & Season Info
General Design Rules:
Maximum STARTING CONFIGURATION Height: 4 ft. 4 in.
In the HANGAR ZONE, maximum height 5 ft. 6 in. During match play, the robot may not exceed a height of 4 ft. 4 in. except if it is in the HANGAR ZONE.
Maximum FRAME PERIMETER: 120 In.
Maximum extension beyond FRAME PERIMETER: 16 in.
Maximum weight: 125 lbs, excluding bumpers and battery.
Robots are not allowed to catch CARGO from the UPPER EXIT, deliberately or not.
Make sure the robot can fit through a doorway.
We will use bumpers that protect all sides and corners on the robot.
If we cut out a section of the frame, there must be AT LEAST 6 in. of frame from each corner.
BUMPER ZONE: from the floor up to 7.5"
Bumper weight limit: 15 lbs
Bumpers constructed of 3/4" Plywood, width 4.5 - 5.5 inches.
General Game Play Notes:
G208: If a robot is contacting MID, HIGH, or TRAVERSAL RUNGS, you're protected from contact.
G208: Robots must stay out of the opponent's HANGAR ZONE during the final 30 seconds of the match.
No rule prevents a robot from starting to climb before the last 30 seconds of the match.
Pre-Load 1 CARGO.
During AUTO, do not cross over to the other side of the field.
The HUMAN PLAYER can shoot CARGO into the UPPER HUB from the TERMINAL AREA - only during AUTO.
No "straddling" the LOWER EXITS.
We are allowed to hold 2 CARGO at a time.
Robots are protected while contacting their own LAUNCHPAD.
CARGO may only be introduced into the ARENA by a HUMAN PLAYER through the GUARD on the TERMINAL.
Our Robot Will...
Pick up Cargo from the floor, possibly while bouncing.
Hold 2 Cargo.
Score Cargo in the (upper or lower?) Hub.
Score from the Fender or close to the Fender.
Climb to the Low and Mid Rung.
Be able to play defense.
Last updated